All Saints Art Centre Oakleigh Road North, Barnet, Finchley, London, uk, N20 9EZ
Tel: 02084458388


    Regular Events
    All Stars Salsa Fridays
    Fri 21 Mar, 7:45 PM

    All Stars Salsa Fridays
    Fri 28 Mar, 7:45 PM

    All Stars Salsa Fridays
    Fri 4 Apr, 7:45 PM

    All Stars Salsa Fridays
    Fri 11 Apr, 7:45 PM

    Special Events

    The Arts Centre is situated in All Saints Church Hall and was converted to Arts use in the 1980's. With a capacity of 365 the large hall is one of the largest licensed premises in the London Borough of Barnet.

    Each year we stage two seasons of professional arts events, including material from visiting companies as well as our own productions. Alongside these seasons we have a weekly programme of classes and workshops  hundreds of people visit All Saints' each week to take part in activities that range from sculpture to Taekwondo, from ball-room dancing to life drawing.

    Our aim is to provide access to a spectrum of art forms in a community setting that offers a welcome to all. We seek to enhance the cultural life of this part of North London by nurturing the aspirations of amateurs while providing a well-equipped venue for professionals where they can work in a relaxed atmosphere. We seek to make the Arts especially available to the young to help the in their future careers whether or not these are in the Arts.
    Special Offer
    This venue was last updated on Fri 1 Jan 2010, 12 AM by

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