London Salsa : The one with a Garlic Clove  
Author: LeighAdams
Published: Fri 13 Mar 2020
Keywords: London, salsa, coronavirus, garlic
Read: 1613 times
London Salsa : The one with a Garlic Clove
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Hoping this newsletter is finding you happy and, even more importantly, healthy.

I'm sure it comes as no surprise, with this corona virus situation ever evolving, that salsa in London has been significantly affected.
Anything I write today could easily become null and void very quickly.

Currently, official advice doesn't require the teachers to shut their lessons nor events but I have seen a number of cancellations today. And I've also seen one major event that is hoping to proceed. 

Much as I hate to say it : Much of the information on our web site is not correct, so my advice, if you choose to go dancing, is to check with the hosts, all of whom will either have an email address, web site or phone number details on their listings.

We will be encouraging all your salsa teachers and hosts to start adding new events when, together, we beat this virus.


Meanwhile, I'm being encouraged by many of our members to keep writing a weekly newsletter, so I'm relying on you to help me make this worthy of our community.

For a start, please email me images of you dancing over the coming weeks - we'll share them with the community.  We'll enjoy seeing you having fun and share that joy.

If you don't send me great content, you'll get more of this:

So trying to find any bright side to this corona virus and the, potentially, enforced period of not social dancing, I bought 4 giant garlic bulbs to include in my cooking.

Garlic, Meals, White, Clove, Seasoning
According to the Indian official web site for the virus, they are debunking the rumour that garlic will ward off the virus (I was only doing it for taste anyway). Similarly, smoking cannabis nor inhaling sesame seed oil will make any difference. Neither will consuming cow dung or drinking their urine.
(bet you are happy I chose an image of garlic).


Image may contain: 1 person, text

This Wednesday, Metrolatina are hoping you will join them in celebrating their 19th Anniversary at Bar Salsa Soho.

Lessons, social dancing, performances and the Latin Open competition with an attractive prize structure.


Events you may have been considering that have been cancelled :

OFF : Pexava Saturday in Holborn
OFF : Salsatricity Saturday in Barnet
OFF : All lessons with Heidi and Trevor SweetLead


Some of us will get this virus, some won't.
Most of us will recover quickly from mild symptoms, others will get more serious symptoms.

If you are a lucky one, with the ethos of salsa in mind, please consider who else in our community may need help.   

I've been part of our London Salsa scene for many years and consider so many of you to be my family.
If there is anything I can help you with, please ask!


Please stay safe, wash your hands carefully and often, 

Leigh and the London Salsa Team 

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